
Status and Eigenvector (

Walid Medani

Network Graph


There are 156 nodes within the militarized interstate dispute dataset. Edges are undirected and are defined as instances of when one state threatened, displayed, or used force directed towards the government, official representatives, official forces, property, or territory of another state.

Network Density & Degree Centralization

[1] 0.1136476
  [1] 74 56 64 60 47 63 53 51 58 55 43 59 46 62 17 22 20 63 23 36  2
 [22] 37  4 39 15  5  2  3  5  8  2 17  4  4  3  1  3  3  2  1  1  7
 [43] 41  7 13  8  5  8  8 33  5 12  3 36 23 39  2 19  6 18  6 18  7
 [64]  8  5  1  2 12  8  2  8 21  2  1  8 10  4  4  1  3  5 45 45 34
 [85] 47 54  2  7  1  1  3  2  7 45 46 45 45  1  1  1  2  1  1  1 36
[106]  1  1  2 26  9  1  1  1  1  4  5  5 19 19 53 53 42  2  2  3  1
[127]  7 37 37 44 38 37 44 44 37 44  3  1  3  1  1  1  1  1  3  1  1
[148]  1  1  2  1  2  2 33 33  1

[1] 0.3637717

[1] 24180
    name degree
USA  USA     74
UKG  UKG     64
FRN  FRN     63
RUS  RUS     63
TUR  TUR     62
NTH  NTH     60
     name               degree     
 Length:156         Min.   : 1.00  
 Class :character   1st Qu.: 2.00  
 Mode  :character   Median : 7.00  
                    Mean   :17.62  
                    3rd Qu.:36.25  
                    Max.   :74.00  

Centrality Measures

Closeness Centraility

         USA          CAN          UKG          NTH          BEL 
6.082355e-05 6.068329e-05 5.990894e-05 6.071645e-05 5.998081e-05 

Betweenness Centrality

      USA       CAN       UKG       NTH       BEL       FRN 
1543.1492  199.5687  295.0000  124.3906  345.1667 3030.5423 

Eigen Centrality

[1] 1.0000000 0.9302363 0.9867230 0.9781763 0.8832846 0.9820892
[1] 0.7215986